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Art In Motion: Love en Pointe with the Alabama Ballet
Join us for an unforgettable evening as Alabama Ballet performs amidst the masterpieces of the Birmingham Museum of Art!
Art In Motion: Love en Pointe with the Alabama Ballet
Join us for an unforgettable evening as Alabama Ballet performs amidst the masterpieces of the Birmingham Museum of Art!
Meet an Artist: Sloss Furnaces Metal Artists
Calling all young artists! Meet Birmingham-based artists Ian Skinner and Ajene Williams in ArtVenture, our interactive space for families, to learn about their metal arts work at Sloss Furnaces. From […]
Drop in Tour
Circle the Globe Highlights Tour
With a collection of almost 30,000 works of art from around the globe, the BMA can serve as a passport to adventure. On this tour, you’ll see works from the […]
Family Festival
14th Annual Holi Festival
Join us for a colorful celebration filled with live music, dance performances, art activities, and of course, the iconic throwing of colored powders!
“The Avatar of Vishnu, The Man-Lion Narasimha Destroying the Demon Hiranyakashipu”
Curious about works of art that aren’t always included on a BMA tour? Take a DeTour with us on select Sundays, where we’ll spend 30 minutes focusing on a work […]
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Chenoweth Lecture // Through the Lens: Dawoud Bey, The Birmingham Project
Programs - Video - Virtual Programs

Art in Conversation: Art as Historical Artifacts during the Civil Rights Movement
Programs - Video - Virtual Programs