The Five Ws and One H
All good stories answer six key questions for the reader. Five begin with the letter W and one with the letter H! Do you know what the five Ws and H are? The Five Ws stand for Who, What, When, Where, Why; and the H stands for How.
Check out the image above. There sure is a lot to see! Use the prompts below to write your own story about this painting by artist Kerry James Marshall.
Who do you see? Can you describe them?
What are the people doing? Can you make a list of everything that is going on?
When do you think this was happening? What time of day? Was this recent or a long time ago? What makes you think that?
Where is this taking place? Can you describe the setting?
Why are all of these people here? Why are they all together?
How do you think the people in this image feel? How do they all know each other?
We would love to read the story you have written! Email it to us here.