Hand-Held: The Four Seasons in Chinese Painting

Sep 03, 2022 - Mar 05, 2023

Through the lens of the four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—this exhibition explores the intimate visual storytelling experience found within small-scale Chinese landscape paintings. Whether formatted in a popular fan shape, as an album leaf, a handscroll, or a glossy ceramic, the paintings featured in this exhibition were intended to be studied up-close and to be handled. Many of the paintings combine detailed images and the elevated art form of calligraphy with inscriptions that describe painting styles, provide dedication to friends and family, and offer the date when the work was made. Journey through the seasons, from the blossoming peach trees and greening mountains of spring to the pillowy surfaces of newly fallen snow in a winter landscape, in this charming exhibition of Chinese painting.

Handheld Landscapes: The Four Seasons In Chinese Painting From The Birmingham Museum of Art
Handheld Landscapes: The Four Seasons In Chinese Painting From The Birmingham Museum of Art

Edited by Katherine Anne Paul, PhD. Contributions by Donald A Wood, PhD, Richard A. Pegg, PhD, Kayi Ho, PhD, Doris…

Virtual Tour

BMA Kids

BMA Kids

Download our coloring sheet packet of Chinese fans in the exhibition

Exhibition Sponsors

With Generous Support from The Tang Research Foundation