Signature Signed lower left: Bartow
Signature bottom right in Katagana script [translated sounds Ri Ku Ba Ru To]
Marks Top: Kanji stamp/chop [represents crow (karusu) in Tensyo style]
Bottom: Kanji stamp/chop [represents standing and feat or exploit, in Tensyo style]
Inscription Lower left: Tot Blumm
Date stacked vertically in upper left: 2 / 24 / 96
Lower left, outside margin: 4
Provenance With Froelick Gallery, Portland OR; purchased in 1996 by Driek and Michael Zirinsky; gift from the Zirinskys to the Art Fund Inc. at the Birmingham Museum of Art, July 2017
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The BMA will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to the threat of inclement weather. We will resume normal operating hours on Saturday, January 11th.