Signature Signed in pencil, below stone left corner: F. CASORATI.
Marks Purple gallery stamp, bottom right corner: GALLERIA "IL SEGNO [missing paper] / * VIA CAPO LECA [missing paper]
Inside gallery stamp, in pencil: L - 15 - [missing paper]
Inscription Recto, below stone right, in pencil: 48/100
Bottom margin, right of center, in blue ink: BMA / 58.78
Verso, top left edge, in light red marker: B02
Bottom left corner, in pencil: 0. -- . [erased?] 7
Bottom left edge, in pencil: Casorati, Litografia -
Provenance Cecil John Roberts (1914-1990), Birmingham, Alabama; gift to the Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, 1958
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The BMA will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to the threat of inclement weather. We will resume normal operating hours on Saturday, January 11th.