Signature Verso, lower left, in graphite: 1/60 Enrique Chagoya '00
Inscription Recto, in image: Tabula Nova
Recto, map in image with various labels: Honolulu / Vancouver / Tijuana / Salt Lake City / Denver / Kansas City / Saint Louis / Toronto / Québec / La Havana / Ciudad de México
Recto, lower left corner, in image: Nobody owns water: / Drink some and try to keep it. / Water is the blood of the land: / Agua es la sangre de la tierra. / Water is how we are all related: / Water is the solid ground of dream.
Recto, upper center, red ink stamp
Verso, lower right corner, in graphite: Alberto Rios [poet's signature?]
Verso, lower right corner: Segura chopmark
Provenance Collection of Susie and Scott Robertson, Scottsdale, AZ; Birmingham Museum of Art, Birmingham, AL, 2003
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The BMA will be closed on Friday, January 10th due to the threat of inclement weather. We will resume normal operating hours on Saturday, January 11th.