We couldn’t do what we do at the BMA without volunteers. Whether they are helping visitors at the Information Desk, facilitating art projects at family programs, volunteering at special events, or providing assistance to staff, volunteers help the Museum on a daily basis.
If you’re thinking about volunteering at the Museum, here are 5 reasons why you should!
1. You love to learn about art.
Volunteers have the opportunity to learn about art and the Museum’s collection at volunteer orientations and trainings.
2. You love to contribute to your community.
Volunteers make the Museum a welcoming place for visitors and help out at special events and programs that bring in the Birmingham community.
3. You want to learn more about museums.
Volunteers have the opportunity to learn about the workings of museums by helping out at programs and as staff assistants.
4. You like to make friends with similar interests.
Volunteers will meet other volunteers, Museum staff, and visitors who also have an interest in art and love spending time at the Museum.
5. You need experience.
Volunteering is a valuable experience that helps with discovering interests, meeting new people, and resumé-building.
Ready to become a Museum volunteer? Click here to apply!